My Story
by Untitled
How do I tell my story
Without being gory
I can tell you aren't the best
By looking at your ex
Trying to ignore our past
But that did not last
Those months went by fast
I think I'm about to crash x2
Can someone please help me
Not sure If I want to stay
Next thing I know I am crashing my car
Then breaking the bank
What is this world I'm living in
Makes when want to tear my skin
What's wrong if we start to sin
If we don't know what to believe in
Now you have a new dude
Now I can't come through you
I found out that you don't tell the truth
So why, should I, compute x2
We don't fuck with you
Especially what you do
Broke my heart so many times
I can't feel single thing
Now I don't want to bеlieve
In this love that I can see
Causе I can't fuck with this tree
That I am smoking on my greens
My mind is all fucked up
This Alcohol in my system
Makes me want to throw up
Can not tell if that is you
Because I see everything in two
Don't know what to do x2
How do I tell my story
Without being gory
I can tell you aren't the best
By looking at your ex
Trying to ignore our past
But that did not last
Those months went by fast
I think I'm about to crash x2
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