Popular Manipulations

Fat Kiddo

by The Districts

on Popular Manipulations (2017)

Fat kiddo on the ground again
Dirt might stain you sometime
Now everybody's toes lift
Heels tip back

The slide flips to the next
Backlit we all see the sky
Skinny branches veining out
Blue afternoon

Sick baby won't pull through again
We all face east in a memoriam of loss
Everyone you know in prostration
Are we faking that God tucks her in
In the bed that she is choosing
As long as her family approves of it

All beauty wishes to come true
Buried soft in the moss
The precious self you're watchin' however does not
South Jersey baby

Sick baby won't pull through again
We all face east in a memoriam of loss
Now, everyone you know in prostration
Are we faking that God tucks her in
In the bed that she is choosing
As long as her family approves of it

Blue afternoon x8

Everyone in prostration
Are we faking God tucks her in

Everyone held in prostration
Are we faking God tucks her in

Fat kiddo on the ground again
Dirt might stain you sometime
Now everybody's toes lift
Heels tip back

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On Fat Kiddo by The Districts

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