Shane Blair

Severus snape

by Shane Blair

[Verse 1]
When I was a boy, a student at Hogwarts

I paid attention to my studies not Quidditch or sports

And then a boy James Potter always picked on me

Playing games and calling names like Snivellus Snape

[Verse 2]
Years later became a teacher, master of the dark arts

And I learned of James's death killed by Lord Voldemort

Also killed Potter's wife her name was Lilly

Only one to survive was their child named Harry

[Verse 3]
They said he's the chosen one, eventually in my class

Chosen by Gryffindor he was a pain in my ass

He was famous for surviving the spell for killing, but clearly

Fame isn't everything

Professor Severus Snape, with his long black cape

Head of Slytherin, house of the snake

And half blood prince Professor of defense

Potions master at Hogwarts

He's not a pleasant man, and he seems like he's bad

Picking on Harry Potter in front of the class

And, though they debate, he would do what it takes

To protect this place, he's Severus Snape

[Verse 4]
Dumbledore and Mcgonagall were fond of Harry

Plus he had his friends, Hermione and Ron Weasley

Still there were some that didn't like him like me

There was Lucius and his son Draco Malfoy

[Verse 5]
However I'll admit things started to get weird

Ever since Harry Potter started attending class here

Professor Quirrell let in a Troll at Halloween

Never trusted him again. Then at the Quidditch game

Harry's broom was bewitched, it was Quirrell I could see

And I muttered a counter spell but his friends thought it was me

They set fire to my cloak, but his concentration broke

And Harry ended up catching the Snitch and winning the Game

A while later we found he was helping the Dark Lord

Living off of Quirrell's body and the blood of Unicorn's

Trying to get the Sorcerer's Stone and get back a body of his own

Quirrell's death only slowed down Voldemort

Me and Lockhart had to teach the students

Defense against the dark arts once the Chamber of Secrets was Opened

Finding petrified children, caused by a Basilisk

Harry found the diary of Tom Riddle, who was Voldemort, back when he was little, helped him find the Chamber right in the middle of the school, entered like a fool, but he slayed the Basilisk and I guess that's kinda cool

A while later Sirius Black

A prisoner of Azkaban escaped across the land, he's a bad man

Dementors from the prison circling the school

Looking for this fool this isn't cool, we must be careful

A few changes were made to the staff

Hagrid is a teacher now and Dumbledore got a new hat

Also Professor Lupin using Boggarts in his studies

Which is quite Riddikulus, if you think about that

Lupin's missing classes, wondering where his ass is

Just so happens to be when Sirius Black is soon to attack and

Even though I'd prefer to walk out the door

Turn to page 394

Professor Severus Snape, with his long black cape

Head of Slytherin, house of the snake and half blood prince Professor of defense potions master at Hogwarts. He's not a pleasant man, and he seems like he's bad, picking on Harry Potter in front of the class and though they debate, he would do what it takes, to protect this place, he's Severus Snape. Harry found a magic map that showed Peter Pettigrew, Pettigrew died years ago or so we know, followed Lupin into a tree and it appeared to me that he had been helping Sirius Black lately. Through some discussion we realize Black was framed, it was Ron's ran Scabbers who followed he who shall not be named. Pettigrew was an Animagus and hiding for 12 years, but then Lupin saw the moon, into a Werewolf he changed. Pettigrew got away and after many days, the Ti-Wizard tournament started and students placed their names, into the Goblet Of Fire and then started the race, under water, facing dragons, then into a giant Maze. I noticed someone was stealing from my potion store, to make Poly juice potion in order to transform. Didn't know who it was and I had no more, but back to the tournament Harry is Leading the score. He heads into the Maze with Cedric Diggory and then he see's the cup it's a Port Key, takes them to a place with Pettigrew, he killed Diggory, traps Harry, had a ceremony, and he brought back the Dark Lord. Harry got away barely with the Port Key, brought him back to the game and we all see, Harry is taken by Mad-Eye Moody. He tried to kill him and when we realized he started changing. Barry Crouch Jr was the one stealing from me and he assumed the identity of Moody. After time went by we began training to prevent Voldemort from controlling Harry. While he's protected by the Order Of The Phoenix, Dumbledore has a plan for me to be a double agent, wants me to kill him to gain Voldemort's trust, protect Harry from within, so I'll do what I must. Entangled with the Death eaters, Bellatrix The Strange, and Lucius Malfoy planning on having Draco do the same. When the time came in the tower everybody saw, the unforgivable curse Avada-Karaganda. And through Dumbledore's secret plan, I've lost all of my good friends, surrounded by evil people capable of so much death. Giving Harry time to destroy Horcruxes, While the Dark Lord weakens, War breaks out and they defend from enemy forces. Voldemort believes that the Elder Wand serves me, I'm attacked by his snake Nagging, I am dying, Harry finds me and I let him see. He saw the plan and the day, his parents were taken away, his mother Lilly and that I loved her. Always. Professor Severus Snape, with his long black cape, head of Slytherin, house of the snake and half blood prince Professor of defense potions master at Hogwarts. He's not a pleasant man, and he seems like he's bad, picking on Harry Potter in front of the class and, though they debate, he would do what it takes, to protect this place, he's Severus Snape

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On Severus snape by Shane Blair

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