Sesame Street

Riding A Tricycle

by Sesame Street

Elmo's riding his tricycle.
Oh, hi, Big Bird.
Hi, Elmo.
Oh, Elmo sure loves riding his tricycle.
Riding a tricycle, feeling so proud.
Riding a tricycle, laughing out loud.
Riding a tricycle, easy to do.
Try once a tricycle, you'll do it, too!
Hi, Malia.
Elmo's feet push the pedals like this and the pedals go
round, you see.
Then the pedals move the wheels, and the wheels move
the trike, and the trike moves Elmo, whee!
Elmo's riding a tricycle, rolling along.
Riding a tricycle, singing a song.
Riding a tricycle, happy to be.
Feeling so nice-ycle, feeling so free!
Just riding a tricycle, feeling so whee!

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On Riding A Tricycle by Sesame Street

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