
Stay Down

by Palm Reader

on Sleepless (2020)

Beating after beating. Rebound
I've been patient, patient enough to hold back. Until Now
Teaching my feet to leave the ground
Feel the weight lift. Taking off on the right track
Those thoughts have their place at the back of my mind

Stay down. They didn't tell me, I felt it
There were no choices or questions
This body has a mind of its own

Wide-eyed in the dark. While it died in my arms
This life is a lesson to learn

Passed every point of regret
Dancing over my own grave. I held back. Until now
Silence is half the noise in this duet
Asking over and over for it to end, only kept you alive in my head

To be trusting and fuelled by misdirection. To be fuelled by a misdirection
To be innocent beyond recognition

So you ask the question Is this something you chose or something you're forced to invest in?

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On Stay Down by Palm Reader

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