Secret in the Dark

Secret in the Dark

by Monika

on Secret in the Dark (2015)

Woooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
There's a secret in the dark
heating light behind the faces
I can feel it in the air, hear the silence in the room
If I try to find the keys of what I missing,
would I give my life away to everyone?

Woooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
There is a secret in the dark,
Pleaser, something like a rainbow
I can see it in your eyes, hear the breaking in your voice
If I try to find the keys of what I missing,
Would I give my life away to everyone?

Song Comments (1)
On Secret in the Dark by Monika

By funkygal


Yessss thank you I heard this playing in a store and needed to find immediately! Groovy
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