Mal Webb


by Mal Webb

I like you like I like to breathe
Life's bare necessities are, for me,
Food to eat...with you
Water to drink...with you
And a place to sleep, ah yes, a place to sleep

It's more than love, it's symbiotic
Our lines are entwined so inextricably
As everything is symbiotic
How tangled can one world be?

It's the algae on the sloth
The make up on the goth
The cappuccino and the froth
The flame and the moth
It's the flowers and bee and birds in disguise
'Cos we're stuck like gaffa

It's the lily and the frog
The postie and the dog
The flying spanner and the cog
The egg and the nog
We've got no time for binds and ties
'Cos we're stuck like gaffa

Tarzan's grip's got nothing on this
Like a giant clam puckers its lips for a kiss
Like a polar bear hug to keep you warm
Like a furtive glance from the eye of a storm

Oh, look at the sky
When you're going at the speed of a tree
The clouds fly by
And oh, that's the big crunch
Then it's you and me and the cockroaches
Doing lunch
Cockroaches in gaffa houses

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On Gaffa by Mal Webb

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