If You Don't Give Me What I Want (I'm Gonna Get it Somewhere Else)
by Lucille Hegamin
on Lucille Hegamin Vol. 3 (1923-1932) (1995)
Every day this week I've told you what I need
You promise and you promise but you don't show anything
So listen once for all
For this is my last call
If you don't give me what I want
I'm gonna get it somewhere else
It's pickles to pickles and dill to dill
If you don't give me, someone will
You may refuse top give me chops
But I know other butcher's shops, and
If you don't give me what I want
I'm gonna get it somewhere else
If you don't give me what I want
I'm gonna get it somewhere else
It's pepper to pepper and salt to salt
If you won't give me, ain't my fault
For three straight days I have heard you say
"Yes, we have no bananas today," but
If you don't give me what I want
I'm gonna get it somewhere else
I don't want no ham, I don't want no eggs
I don't want what I don't want and I sure don't wanna beg
So think it over twice
I'll take a fool's advice
If you don't give me what I want
I'm gonna get it somewhere else
It's ashes to ashes and dust to dust
If you won't give me, someone must
I'm just a gal what's full of youth
That's why I'm going to tell the truth, so
If you don't give me what I want
I'm gonna get it somewhere else
I heard a tune that knocked me cold
But darling you are growing old, and
If you can't give me what I want
I'm gonna go and get it somewhere else
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