Daylight Retreats
by Last Kingdom
on Chronicles of the North (2012)
Nothing has gone right from the very beginning
Try looking forward and leave the troubles behind
Some memories are you struggling with to get repressed
Etched into your memory, never to be forget
Forget what they've said
Forget what they've done
Forget all the bad
Then the battle is won
This day has come to an end
I see the daylight slowly fade away
A new day will soon be dawning
The sun will wake up the world again
Daylight retreats
So calm your senses, a new day has come
Soon you make your way trough misery
An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind
So try to keep your anger at bay
Forget what they've said
Forget what they've done
Forget all the bad
Then the battle is won
This day has come to an end
I see the daylight slowly fade away
A new day will soon be dawning
The sun will wake up the world again
Daylight retreats
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