Homer & Jethro

The Drafted Volunteer

by Homer & Jethro

on Life Can Be Miserable (1958)

The war made me a nervous wreck as you can plainly see
Fer back in 1941 they almost drafted me
I'm just a drafted volunteer

They put me in the paratroops I made a jump one day
My chute it didn't open but I come down anyway
I'm just a drafted volunteer

(Take it, lieutenant!)

The mess hall serves a balanced meal, at least that's what they claim
I found out just what they mean, the beans all weigh the same
I'm just a drafted volunteer

They said I'd have to learn to swim so they sent me off to school
They made me a lifeguard around the motor pool
I'm just a drafted volunteer

(Hit it, sergeant!... I mean corporal!)

I went to see the chaplain as all good soldiers will
When I told him my troubles we both went over the hill
I'm just a drafted volunteer

And then they made a movie for all the world to see
All about my army life they named it after me
They called it Old Yeller... Old Yeller, the Drafted Volunteer

Song Comments
On The Drafted Volunteer by Homer & Jethro

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