Sweet Serendipity

Sweet Serendipity

by Gabrielle Eichler, Saul Len

on Sweet Serendipity (2018)

In times where bright sun met cloudy days
Where morality drifts and sin will stay
I need an anchor to hold me down
Before I give in and slowly drown

These stormy days they're not unusual
So I'd start singing in the rain
Soaking wet they say, delusional
I'll push the water down the drain

Sweet sweet serendipity
Finally finding what you need
Sweet sweet serendipity
I looked for luck but it found me

They never tell you when you're falling
The more you fall the more it hurts
And when I said that I was all in
Didn't think I meant headfirst

Sweet sweet serendipity
Finally finding what you need
Sweet sweet serendipity
I looked for luck but it found me

Sometimes a silver linings all you need
You never know what makes you incomplete
Don't know how you made my feelings sway
Guess good things come in unexpected ways

Sweet sweet serendipity
Finally finding what you need
Sweet sweet serendipity
I looked for luck but it found me

Song Comments
On Sweet Serendipity by Gabrielle Eichler, Saul Len

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