
Mormon defense squad

by Foma

on icecaves (2004)

We are young so we should see what looks nice is such pageantry
They keep it bright and i can't see. It feels like some bad A-movie
There's is so much, it's hard to say. The real things are far away
Who sold me out anyway? So quiet yet subtly
They keep it bright so i can't see what is happening with me
There's so much, it's hard to say. The real things are far away
Who will shake their fist at the world and tell me it's ok?
You're not dumb, but we're not free Don't let that stuff bother me
And am i talking like i'm crazy, or do i not know what i say? Could i be wrong?
And that's why Heather shakes her fist at the world and tells me it's ok
Who will shake their fists at the world and tell me it's ok?

Song Comments (2)
On Mormon defense squad by Foma



Was it the song you were looking for? No

The lyrics I'm searching for from the 50's are one that was popular, a love ballad, with a title like: the meaning of Love. Some of the words were: "don't think these things are far above you, they're always there when someone loves you"
By Corzii


Was it the song you were looking for? No

well look for xxxtentaction sad and Powfu
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