Edward M. Favor


by Edward M. Favor

Some peculiar questions one here's now and then
Such as which is the older the egg or the hen
Well I've one or two that have puzzled a few:
How is it young man who is blind can see to?
Of course that is simple as simple as simple
In fact its much simpler than that
But that's not exactly what I want to know
Now what do I want to get at?
Let me see
Oh dear me!
Oh I know just tell me what this is:
If a fellow named wheat and a maiden called oat decide to get married you see
Well what I am trying to get at is this – What will the harvest be?
If a pair of young lovers sat down on some glue
And they stick together – Does that prove they're true?
And if your hard up with no shirt to your back
Would you rise in the world if you sat on a tack?
How is it that camels have always a hump?
And that servants are troubled with blues?
How it that girls with the largest sized feet
Or with hearts but as small as thy shoes?
I don't know
Its true though
Of course present company excepted!
Now such questions as these
You can't really explain
No matter how much you may wish
For instance if you cannot make more than me
Well why don't you make one disc?

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On Question by Edward M. Favor

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