Liberty Toast


by Disaster Strikes

on Liberty Toast (2006), Drunk With Power (2001)

You wanna throw away your mistake,
Another promise you can forsake.
So you say that I'm fucked up
and I should be locked up.
I'm not a lunatic
and I'm not fucked up on drugs.
I'm not a rebel without a cause
and I'm not some fucking thug.
I don't wanna be the scapegoat.
Stop making me the scapegoat.
I don't wanna be your scapegoat.
Never gonna be your scapegoat.
You say you want safe streets-
Safe for you but not for me.
Who will protect me from the police?
Real life's not like T.V.
I'm not a lunatic
and I'm not fucked up on drugs.
I'm not a rebel without a cause
and I'm not some fucking thug.
I don't wanna be the scapegoat.
Stop making me the scapegoat.
I don't wanna be your scapegoat.
Never gonna be your scapegoat.
You blame the problems on someone else
To defend your power and wealth.
You can see I'm sick of this
So you call me dangerous.
I'm not a lunatic
and I'm not fucked up on drugs.
I'm not a rebel without a cause
and I'm not some fucking thug.
I don't wanna be the scapegoat.
Stop making me the scapegoat.
I don't wanna be your scapegoat.
Never gonna be your scapegoat.

Song Comments
On Scapegoat by Disaster Strikes

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