
Deep Blue Sky

by Boo Hoo

on Lushly (2017)

Hello darkness my old friend
Would you let me drown
Make me think I'm going up
When I'm going down
Let the sun with its reflections

Trick my brain and trick my eye
Deep blue sea
Deep blue sky

I smoked between the sheets you warmed
And I drank by your side
Hello darkness my old friend
Won't you cure my dog day pride

The love I thought was tempest strong Now falls apart on me
Deep blue sky deep blue
Sea blue sky

I grew breath- and motionless
Settling in your surge
You pulled my body on the shore
Hoped for our lungs to merge

Now every breath I'm taking Is breathing you through me
Deep blue sky deep blue
Sea blue sky

Song Comments
On Deep Blue Sky by Boo Hoo

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