Urban Paranoia
by Blind Pigs
on São Paulo Chaos (1997)
Want to move to the city want to have some fun
Want to move to the city want to buy a gun
Want to move to the city join society
Want to move to the city that's the life for me
I don't trust my neighboors
I don't trust the cops
I don't trust the mailman
I bought two german sheppard dogs
I don't trust the ice cream man, he sells drugs
I tored up my room I tought it was bugged
Urban Paranoia
Fuckin' butcher you don't fool me
You killed your wife and you sold her kidney
I'm going crazy I'm going insane
City life fucked me up concrete messed my brain
Urban Paranoia
Now I'm in the city and I see it ain't no fun
I'm still unemployed but at least I got my gun
São Paulo is a chaos
It's a dangerous place to be
I was looking for heaven but i found
Fucked up society
Urban Paranoia
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