Adam Daxton


by Adam Daxton

[Verse 1]
I've been falling, falling down
And I needed you so much
Then I've been running for a long time
And I need you right now
I've been weak, all night long
And I want you to comeback
Oh then you entered my life
And then you changed a lot of things
Sugar Sugar
I need hope
I need hope
I need hope, right now
And I'm hopeless oh damn babe
I need hope, right now
Cuz I'm hopeless oh damn babe
[Verse 2]
I've been trying
To forget you
But you're dying to make fall again
And i'm getting sick of your
Games, Games, Games
You're not stopping from playing with me

I'm dying to get you back
But you're running faraway
I need hope right now
Cuz i'm hopeless
Oh damn babe
I need hope right now
Cuz I'm hopeless oh damn
And I need hope right now
Cuz I'm hopeless oh damn
I need hope rightnow
Cuz I'm Hopeless Hopeless oh damn
Oh Damn

Song Comments
On Hope by Adam Daxton

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